Dear Friends:
Welcome to the donation page! Melody of
Dragon, Inc. is a non-for-profit organization under 501 [C] 3
Federal code. Since 1998, Melody of Dragon has provided
wonderful Chinese music services to the public throughout the
concert, lecture and demonstrations, school workshops...and
has already built its highly reputations.
We invite you to become a patron of
Melody of Dragon. Without your generous supporting, we could
barely keep our current scale of performance and education
programs. However, we want to dig out our great potentiality
to present our audiences more and more great Chinese
Traditional Music, as well as Chinese Contemporary Music. All
your contributions are fully tax-deductible and will directly
go to the cost of our programs. So please contribute whatever
you could. All your gifts, great and small, will be enormously
Thank you so
much for your great support!
Sincerely Yours,
欢迎来到捐赠页面!神州中乐团是一家根据美国联邦法典501 [C] 3而设立的非盈利组织。自1998年以来,神州中乐团一直为公众提供精彩的中国音乐服务,包括音乐会、讲座和演示、学校工作坊等,并已建立了很高的声誉。
 Chen Tao
HOW TO DONATE(如何捐赠)You can donate using one of the following methods. Your donation will be federal income tax exempt.
Method 1(捐赠渠道一): Quickpay or ZellepayMelody of Dragon Inc. Email: info@melodyofdragon.org
Please write down your name and email address in the Memo in order to receive the donation receipt. 所有捐款请注明捐款人的姓名、email 邮箱地址,以便通过邮箱发送捐款收据。
Method 2(捐赠渠道二):Check (支票)Send a check payable to (支票开给): Melody of Dragon Inc. at the address below (寄至以下地址):
Melody of Dragon Inc. 5319 195TH ST, FRESH MEADOWS NY 11365
Please write down your name and email address on the check in order to receive the donation receipt. 所有捐款请注明捐款人的姓名、email 邮箱地址,以便通过邮箱发送捐款收据。
Method 3(捐赠渠道三):Wire Transfer or other methods (电汇)
To be provided upon request via email to info@melodyofdragon.org
请电邮至 info@melodyofdragon.org询问电汇账户信息和其它付款方式。
Please email to info@melodyofdragon.org if you would like to volunteer or discuss anything else.
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